10 Most Insane WWE Royal Rumble Spots Ever

6. The Ministry Of Darkness Kidnap Mabel (1999)

The Undertaker Mabel
WWE Network

In the Rumble, there are many ways participants can be eliminated. They can be thrown out by a rival, eliminate themselves, accidentally slip off the ring apron after going over the ropes or be beaten down by a squadron of hell hounds who are mind-controlled by a supernatural dark lord with a keen interest in human sacrifice.

The latter happened to the returning Mabel in 1999. Less than 90 seconds after the former 'King' had squished Mosh and replaced him in the match, The Acolytes and Mideon sprinted out to kidnap him. 'Taker then showed face, quite literally got in Mabel's and then welcomed him into The Ministry Of Darkness by instructing his goons to give the big man a kicking.

Later, Mabel was renamed Viscera and became an enforcer for The Ministry. Sorry, Sabu, but seven years before your table-breaking exploits, Mabel (of all people) beat you by finding an even more ludicrous way to be eliminated from the match.

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