10 Most Insane WWE Royal Rumble Spots Ever

5. Brock Lesnar's Quick One-Two Punch (2015)

Seth Rollins Brock Lesnar Royal Rumble 2015
WWE Network

It's been lost in the shuffle slightly after so many excellent Seth Rollins performances over the past four years, but revisiting the Triple Threat match from the 2015 Rumble is a must if you haven't seen it in a while. Rollins, Brock Lesnar and John Cena worked an overlooked classic here.

One of the best and most insane spots came when Rollins and Cena briefly teamed up to take down 'The Beast'.

Cena kicked things off by smashing Brock with the steel ring steps, causing the reigning WWE Champion to fall backwards onto the announce table. That's when Seth took matters into his own hands, scaled the turnbuckle and delivered the kind of elbow drop bump we've become accustomed to seeing from Shane McMahon over the years.

The quick one-two punch of the spot sold Brock as the chief threat, and it made Rollins look like an opportunistic daredevil who would do whatever it took to win.

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