10 Most Legit Tough Guys In Wrestling

8. Mick Foley

It always astounds this writer that, when the most legitimately tough wrestlers of all-time are discussed, Mick Foley's name is conspicuous in its absence. This, despite the incredible pain and punishment he put his body through over the course of his career, all for the sake of becoming a star and entertaining fans. Sure, there will some that will say he was more stupid than smart, throwing caution to the wind for a fleeting moment of glory. Whether you fall on that side of the argument or appreciate everything he gave to the industry, there is no denying the toughness he demonstrated each and every night. The fact that he was sent flying off the top of the Hell in a Cell and through an announce table, then got up and climbed back to the roof of the cell with a dislocated shoulder is all you need to know about Foley's self-described "testicular fortitude." But let's delve deeper into his history for other examples of his toughness. There was the time at the Royal Rumble in 2000 when he endured a Pedigree FACE-FIRST on a pile of thumbtacks. How about that time he suffered 12 unprotected chair shots to the head, the result of an overzealous Rock letting his adrenaline get the best of him. What about the numerous Boiler Room Brawls were the only surface to land on was concrete, and he landed on it A LOT. And every time, he got right back up. That is, until he no longer physically could and was forced out of action. Somewhere along the line, sock puppets, standup comedy and autobiographies began to define Foley. At his heart, he is and will forever remain one of the toughest S.O.B.s in wrestling history.
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Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for Match.com. He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.