10 Most Legitimately Dangerous Women In WWE

3. Lacey Evans

Jazzy Gabert

29-year-old Lacey Evans is one of the trickiest people to rank.

On the one hand, she doesn't have the elite hand-to-hand combat skills that many of the former MMA fighters on our list have. However, if a war or a zombie apocalypse were to break out, the "Sassy Southern Belle" is the woman you would want by your side.

At the end of the day, this list is about the most "dangerous" women, not the best MMA fighters, and Evans certainly qualifies as dangerous.

During her often mentioned tenure in the U.S. Marines, Evans was part of a unit known as the Special Reaction Team. The team is essentially a law enforcement unit within the U.S. armed forces that specializes in handling the most high-risk situations on military bases. They operate in a capacity similar to that of a SWAT team.

In other words, she knows how to respond in dangerous, high-pressure situations and can also handle an automatic weapon, which makes her a very formidable individual.

Furthermore, at 5'8" with extensive military training and well-defined arms, one gets the feeling she could also handle herself in a fistfight, if necessary.


From 1999-2003 Jacques performed on the Florida independent pro wrestling circuit. He also has an amateur wrestling background and currently holds a certification in Krav Maga. Jacques graduated from the University of Central Florida in 2003, with a bachelor's degree in Political Science. He currently resides in Chicago, Illinois. Follow him on twitter @goodeals79.