10 Most Magnificent Bast*rds In WWE

8. All Out Of Bubblegum

The quickfire promo king of the 1980s, in his heyday €˜Hot Rod€™ was a heat magnet of apocalyptic proportions. A favourite of the WWF crowd due to his aggressive, charismatic aura and lightning wit, Piper was probably even more adept at playing the bad guy. If you€™re looking for sheer, unbridled audacity, then look no further: Piper would stop at nothing to get an angle over. No trick was too dirty, no blow too low. He invented the unscripted interview with the groundbreaking Piper€™s Pit, a regular segment that would almost always end with Piper assaulting his €˜guest€™. One such interview saw Piper hit €˜Superfly€™ Jimmy Snuka in the head with a coconut and inadvertently inspire one Phillip Jack Brooks to become a professional wrestler, while another ringside interview earlier in his career saw him smash a bottle across his own face in front of fans to intimidate his opponents with a self-inflicted crimson mask. Just when you thought you had the answers, Piper changed the questions. He main-evented the first Wrestlemania with Hulk Hogan, Mr. T and Paul Orndorff, accruing nuclear levels of heat in the process, and would be disqualified for bodyslamming Mr. T in a boxing match at Wrestlemania 2. Unpredictable, a master of mayhem and taking everything just a step too far in the pursuit of unhinged brilliance, €˜Rowdy€™ Roddy Piper was probably the greatest professional wrestling character never to be given a run with the WWF/E World title.
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Triple H
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.