10 Most Magnificent Bast*rds In WWE

7. Viva La Raza

It€™s possible that no professional wrestler in the modern period was as beloved by fans and fellow WWE superstars alike as Eddie Guerrero. The technical virtuoso was small but stacked with talent, talent that would eventually see him rise to become the WWE champion. During his career, Guerrero would play many versions of his fiery chancer character, but the one that most remember is the Latino Heat iteration, whose catchphrase €œI lie, I cheat, I steal€ became part of his theme music. Guerrero would prove so good at playing a cheating heel when teaming with Chyna in his first WWF run that the office elected to try running the same gimmick in a tag team upon his return, putting Latino Heat together with his real life nephew Chavo as Los Guerreros. Just as had happened with Chyna, Eddie€™s natural charm and perfect comic timing began to get the two over as babyfaces, despite their dastardly tactics. After their inevitable split, Guerrero would retain most elements of the gimmick from summer 2003, through his WWE championship reign until practically the date of his death in November 2005 (with a short heel break playing €˜Dark Eddie€™ for an awkward feud with super-babyface Rey Mysterio before turning once again). Latino Heat always had a trick or three up his sleeve, and a seemingly endless supply of cheerfully devilish strategies involving cunningly placed referee bumps, low blows, faking having been struck with a chair to have his opponent disqualified, amongst many others. Guerrero was so beloved €“ and, crucially, so talented and funny €“ that it didn€™t matter who he was facing or whether he was playing face or heel. The crowd always had his back. The Latino Heat character was able to have his cake and eat it: to utilise an impressive array of bad guy characteristics and tactics but capitalise on a fan favourite€™s pop every night. Magnificent.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.