10 Most Memorable WWE RAW Moments From 1993

10. Rob Bartlett

Date: January 11th (up until April 19th) For those of you who feel that people like Jerry Lawler or JBL are terrible on commentary and have to go, just be happy that you aren't dealing with Rob Bartlett anymore. Bartlett was a comedian in New York, famous for his appearances on Don Imus' radio show, Imus In The Morning. Apparently, Vince McMahon heard some of his segments, thought he was funny, and figured he would be a good addition to wrestling. Think about what Vince puts on WWE television because he thinks that kind of thing is funny. That sound you just heard? It was your stomach getting queasy. When Koko B. Ware comes out, Bartlett makes a comment about how he looks like Gary Coleman, and Vince, in his infinite wisdom, goes with the bit, implying that Koko is Gary Coleman "all grown up". When Doink The Clown comes out, Bartlett calls him Dork The Clown, and Vince goes with it again, calling him Dork and wondering why someone would name themselves that, until Randy Savage has to point out that his name is Doink. Yokozuna? According to Bartlett, his name was apparently Yokozuma. All this was just on the debut episode, mind you. Bartlett would continue his brand of "comedy" for three months before leaving the company. He all but tried to bury wrestling, as a whole, constantly making fun of the sport and the people involved in it, and was about as poor a choice for commentary as there could ever be, but because of that "all-time bad" status, his tenure with the WWF has stuck in the minds of many.

Columnist/Podcaster/Director at LordsOfPain.net for nearly seven years, with nearly 2000 total columns written. Interviewed and/or involved in interviewing the likes of Tyler Black/Seth Rollins (twice), Diamond Dallas Page, Jimmy Jacobs, Christopher Daniels, Uhaa Nation and more.