10 Most Memorable WWE Raw Moments From 1995

4. Diesel's "Shoot" Promo

Date: November 20th Thanks to the Attitude Era and Vince Russo's fingerprints on everything, wrestling fans grew accustomed to hearing "shoot" promos on television. Used to the insider terms, used to the references of real names, used to backstage knowledge being brought up... used to it all. Back in 1995, though, it wasn't exactly a normal happening, so when Diesel started cutting his "shoot" promo on Raw, it caught everyone off-guard. During a match between Savio Vega and Bodydonna Skip, Diesel would come out and have the match thrown out. He grabbed a microphone and talks about his actions the night before, at Survivor Series, when he attacked Bret Hart after dropping the WWF Title to him, basically solidifying his heel turn. He says that he slept like a baby for the first time in a year, mentioning how he couldn't sleep because Vince McMahon turned him into a "corporate puppet". Closing out, he says that he's turning into the "Big Daddy Cool" of old. It was something different for him, having to basically stand on his own two feet, without having to be aligned with other people for his promos and segments. It was short and to-the-point, but the promo really stood out after a full year of Diesel being the smiley, happy-go-lucky face that was different than the angry heel he was portraying when he first got to the WWF. It allowed him go to back to basics, which really worked for the remainder of his time with the company.

Columnist/Podcaster/Director at LordsOfPain.net for nearly seven years, with nearly 2000 total columns written. Interviewed and/or involved in interviewing the likes of Tyler Black/Seth Rollins (twice), Diamond Dallas Page, Jimmy Jacobs, Christopher Daniels, Uhaa Nation and more.