10 Most Needlessly Elaborate WWE Finishing Moves Ever

9. Kingslayer (Seth Rollins)

Seth Rollins Kingslayer

After emphatically beating Triple H at WrestleMania 33, Seth Rollins has done away with the Pedigree as his main finishing move. His new finisher is called the Kingslayer, and it's a decidedly odd mishmash of other moves, including the Rainmaker and Kenny Omega's V-Trigger.

There's really no need for Rollins to spin his opponents round as though he's about to take their head clean off with a well-placed lariat, and right now the move feels a little clunky. Surely waiting on wrestlers to stumble to their feet before delivering a running knee strike would feel more impactful than what looks like a gentle tap on the chin.

This is like CM Punk's GTS without the momentum, so it requires some tweaking before fans will refer to the Kingslayer as one of WWE's finest finishing holds. Right now, there's absolutely nothing to separate this from a basic knee. Bring back the Curb Stomp, please.


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