10 Most Needlessly Elaborate WWE Finishing Moves Ever

8. Earthquake Splash (Earthquake)

Earthquake Splash

The mere idea of someone like Earthquake sitting on you is enough to make one clutch their chest. A huge man, 'Quake's big Splash should have looked devastating. Sadly, it really didn't, and actually came across like the gigantic heel was worried about hurting those he was working with.

Gently distributing his weight across a co-worker's chest, Earthquake should have looked like he was mauling poor saps and squashing the life out of them. That soft approach wasn't the move's only issue though, because it followed some wholly avoidable stomping.

Causing the ring to shake around him (fitting, given his name), Earthquake jumped around like a child told he's not allowed to go out and play. Then, he'd sprint back and forth between the ropes before finally delivering the move.

Just sit on the guy already.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.