10 Most Notorious Booker T Urban Legends

10. Used Crazy Accents In TNA To Interest Hollywood

Story: Crossing over to TNA in late-2007, Booker T was treated like a major acquisition by the Orlando-based company. At that point, TNA were interested in pursuing WWE, looking to become competition for the McMahon monopoly. Booker T was regarded as a big step towards that, because he had been a World Champion for years in WWE. There was only one problem, Booker seemed to view TNA as a secondary concern. In interviews since leaving the promotion, he has said that it was mainly a side interest of his. Fans have a theory as to why. In promos, the normally tough-talking Harlem native turned heads by adopting a variety of accents. Everything from Jamaican to South African was experimented with, and Booker reasoned that he was simply trying to attract the attention of Hollywood by showing his range as a performer. Why People Believe It: Why else would Booker T experiment with so many different accents in such a short space of time? Not only that, but the man has actually hinted that he was interested in a career as an actor when he eventually retired from professional wrestling. Should We Believe It: Yes, it seems there's truth to this rumour. Booker has said in interviews that he wanted to impress casting agents and people from Hollywood with his various accents. Sadly for him, the film industry didn't seem to be paying attention.
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