10 Most Notorious Booker T Urban Legends

3. Initially Turned Down Tag-Team With Goldust

Story: As far as 'odd couple' tag-teams go in WWE history, people would have to look hard to find one more popular than Booker T and Goldust. The unit worked due to their insane level of chemistry together, and fans were thrilled by their underdog exploits against better gelled opposition. There was a real amount of likeability surrounding the tandem. Teaming together from 2002-2004, they remain one of the best-remember teams in recent memory. Incredibly, Booker T was frosty about the union before it even got started, and actually turned down the idea of teaming with Goldust at first. Why People Believe It: This one is believable because of where Booker T was at in his career in 2002. There's a good chance the man was looking to further establish himself as a genuine singles star. Teaming with Goldust would require a babyface turn, which may have been something Booker was hesitant about. Should We Believe It: During interviews, Booker T has always maintained that he had a lot of fun teaming with Goldust. As a main event heel, his options were limited in 2002, so Booker would have probably been excited about the opportunity to take his chances as a face. There doesn't seem to be much truth to this urban myth.
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