10 Most Notorious Edge Urban Legends

5. JBL Once Jumped In The Shower With Him

Story: Is there a wrestler more synonymous with the art of 'hazing' newcomers than John 'Bradshaw' Layfield? Numerous reports have cropped up over the years from various sources about the guy looking to play practical jokes or 'ribs' on wrestlers new to the WWF/WWE mix. Sometimes, these japes amount to being nothing but mean-spirited bully-boy tactics, such as when JBL outright battered The Blue Meanie on television, or attempted to lord it over Joey Styles. Apparently, one of Layfield's most-favoured ribs was to strip completely naked, lather himself in soap, then hop in the shower next to another man, all in the name of "good fun". Edge was one of the victims. Why People Believe It: Pro wrestling often subscribes to the same immature tactics employed in the shower room of your average high school, or so it seems. JBL has often been name-checked as a man who enjoys throwing his weight around, especially in an environment he feels very comfortable in. Should We Believe It: Copeland himself told the story in a throwaway fashion during one interview. Far from complaining or whinging, the man simply said he didn't quite know what to make of the whole ordeal, because JBL isn't exactly a small man! It seems this one did indeed happen.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.