10 Most Notorious Hulk Hogan Urban Legends

3. WrestleMania 8 Match Got Nixed Because WWE Didn't Like His Matches With Ric Flair

Flair Hogan Wm 8Story: When WWE brought in Ric Flair towards the end of 1991, the immediate thought of most people was that Flair would wrestle Hulk Hogan at WrestleMania 8 in 1992. Since Hogan was the top babyface in wrestling for so many years and Flair was the top heel outside of WWE, it would make sense to match them up at the biggest show of the year. Prior to WrestleMania 8, they wrestled a number of house show matches that apparently didn't draw well and also weren't drawing the kind of reactions that WWE wanted. As a result, the plans were changed. Flair still won the WWE Title at the Royal Rumble, but Hogan started a feud with Sid Justice (who turned heel to feud with Hogan) while Flair lost the WWE Title to Randy Savage at WM8. The Flair/Hogan match never happened on WWE TV in the early 1990s. It did take place in WCW in 1994 when Flair went back there in early 1993 and Hogan went in 1994. Their WCW feud did great business for them while giving WCW a lot of momentum going forward.
Why People Believe It: Hogan wasn't known for having good matches with a lot of people and Flair was very formulaic, so it's understandable that they could have some bad matches. Also, Flair's major drawing power was in the south, so when he wrestled in the Northeast with Hogan they might not have drawn as much as you might think. Remember, this is around the time Hogan was starting to get booed a bit by fans due to winning so much in his career. Should We Believe It: Yes. It's a story that has been told so many times even by people in WWE that it's probably true. The counter point is that they still should have done Hogan vs. Flair because it could have been a bigger draw than the matches they ended up doing.
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Hulk Hogan
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.