10 Most Notorious Kevin Nash Urban Legends

3. He Was Arrested On Christmas Eve For Fighting With His Son

The Legend: That Kevin Nash was arrested on December 24th 2014 after fighting with his own son. Why People Believe It: It was all over the news and, as incredible as the story sounds, it's true. Nash and his son Tristen got into a fight on Christmas eve after Tristen came home drunk and began acting abusively to Nash and his wife. According to the report, he spit in Nash's face and 'elbow checked him', which resulted in Nash taking his son down to the floor. Both men were arrested for battery and held at a nearby jail without bail. On January 15th, prosecutors decided that Nash would not face charges, since it was deemed he was acting in self-defence while also trying to protect his wife. Nash momentarily lost his WWE Legends deal over the incident but it was reinstated once he was cleared and the media had died down. Is It True: Yes, even if it does sound vaguely like something you would read on a parody site.
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...