10 Most Notorious Urban Legends About The Rock

2. D-Generation X Tried To Sabotage His Push

Story: Having been on the main roster for a year or so longer than Rocky Maivia, Hunter Hearst Helmsley was outraged when it appeared The Rock was going to leapfrop him and become a main event player before he did. A close personal friend of Shawn Michaels, who had a lot of influence and interaction with Vince McMahon, Triple H was jealous of Rocky. As the story goes, Triple H and Michaels, collectively known as D-Generation X, tried to deliberately spoil The Rock's ascent up the card by warning McMahon that he wasn't ready. This didn't sit well with Bret Hart, who couldn't believe what he was seeing the pair get up to in order to undermine the relative newcomer, The Rock. Why People Believe It: There has always seemed to be some degree of animosity between The Rock and Triple H over the years, even when the pair were working together on top in championship matches. Triple H had won the 1996 King Of The Ring, but the infamous 'Curtain Call' incident at Madison Square Garden had spoiled plans for a top line run. It'd be understandable if he was frosty towards Rocky, who seemed to have a clear path to the top. Should We Believe It: Yes, this one seems very likely. Numerous wrestlers have claimed that The Kliq/DX used their power and influence to get into the ear of Vince McMahon, trying to have an impact on who was pushed. The idea seemed to revolve around protecting their friends and making enemies of everyone else, so it's likely The Rock fell into the category of 'threat' to HHH.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.