10 Most Notorious Urban Legends About The Rock

1. Took Steroids To Enhance Physique Before 2011 Return

Story: Even though the man had made numerous sporadic appearances with the company over the years, it's fair to say that Hollywood was very much The Rock's concern from around 2002-2011. Admittedly, there's a reason for this, because Dwayne Johnson was making himself a household name on the acting circuit, turning in charming performance after charming performance, and making some powerful friends along the way. It's incredible to think that even though Vince McMahon had said no man was bigger than WWE previously, The Rock proved to be the exception to that rule when he agreed to return in 2011. Initially, the offer on the table existed only for the guy to host WrestleMania, and appear in several non-wrestling skits. Instantly upon his reappearance, Johnson looked much more jacked and bigger than ever before. Noticeably slimming down for several of his acting roles, many people theorised than the man was taking anabolic steroids to enhance his physique and re-adapt to the wrestling bubble. Why People Believe It: It's virtually impossible for wrestlers to enhance their physiques without fans thinking they must be using chemical methods. People have been trained to accept that steroids are part and parcel of the industry, almost as though it's an unspoken rule that main event talent must maintain a heavily-muscled body. Should We Believe It: Obviously, nobody wants to cast aspersions about whether or not The Rock was taking steroids, so this remains one of the more confusing urban legends that have plagued the man. John Cena, a man with a similar physique, has remarked that he doesn't touch steroids, but it seems unlikely that The Rock went from a slimmed-down version just a year or so before his return, to being a jacked-up beast without some level of aid. What other urban myths about The Rock do you know? What are your thoughts on the ones included here? Let us know down in the comments section!

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.