10 Most Notorious Vader Urban Legends

9. Finished A Match Even After His Eye Popped Out Of Socket

Story: Vader is one of the most physically tough men to ever grace a professional wrestling ring. Similarly, Stan Hansen has a hard man reputation that's warranted due to how rough and hard-hitting his matches are. Put both men together, and there was always going to be the potential for violence. In 1990, Vader met Hansen in quite the stiff bout. Just minutes in, the latter thumped the former with his trademark cow bell. A few hard shots later, and Vader's eye was hanging out of the socket. Determined to finish the match, the big man simply popped it back in and finished the match with blurry vision. Vader had to have surgery afterwards. Why People Believe It: Looking at images and video from the match shows that there's severe discolouration around Vader's right eye. In addition, it looks puffy and swollen beyond belief. Vader has talked about popping the eye back into the socket, but some are skeptical over whether or not it was hanging by the proverbial thread as claimed. Should We Believe It: There is definitely a lot of immediate bruising and discolouration in Vader's eye during the match. It's highly possible that his eye did become dislodged, but this is a tough one to call. One thing that is for sure, his orbital socket did need reconstructive surgery afterwards.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.