10 Most Notorious Vader Urban Legends

8. Sting Feud Was Make Or Break In WCW

Story: Upon his arrival in WCW in 1990, Vader wasn't used all that often. It wouldn't be until around 1992 that he really started to come into his own as a true force in the promotion. During the early years of his tenure, Vader earned a reputation for being a good worker, but extremely stiff and uncompromising. In Vader's opinion, feuding with someone like Sting could help change that. Sting became one of Vader's most recognisable opponents during his WCW tenure, and he enjoyed working with him. The decision to pair both men together was to see if Leon White could work safely, without simply battering opponents for real. Why People Believe It: Just watching Vader's work shows that he's very physical. Some pro wrestlers enjoy that, and give as good as they can take, but others feel real shots are wholly unnecessary. Vader was notorious for busting lips, eyebrows and causing other bumps and bruises. Should We Believe It: Vader himself has said that he requested a feud with Sting to try and prove himself. Whether or not it was 'make or break' is unclear, there's no indication that Vader was on thin ice with WCW officials for the way he worked before feuding with Sting.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.