10 Most Notorious Vader Urban Legends

5. Indirectly Caused The Iron Sheik To Change His Tune In WCW

Story: When The Iron Sheik jumped over to WCW in 1989, he thought he was the top dog. Management were growing weary of Sheik's ego, and he was due to wrestle Big Van Vader in 1990. Looking to stem the arrogance of their latest signing, officials showed Sheik footage of Vader breaking a jobber's back during a squash match. Hammering poor Joe Thurman with numerous strikes, as well as a brutal-looking Chokeslam and Powerbomb combination, Vader nearly ended the man's career. After seeing what he was up against, The Iron Sheik suddenly started being a little more co-operative. Why People Believe It: The footage of Vader's destruction is online for all to see. Afterwards, the man was apparently distraught, because he said he had simply become caught up in the moment and didn't mean to hurt Joe Thurman. The bumps became quite legendary, so likely were doing the rounds backstage. Should We Believe In: No, this one seems a little hard to believe. It's difficult to see WCW management threatening The Iron Sheik that he'd be beaten up by Vader if he didn't lose the ego. Ego and arrogance is hardly something that was new to World Championship Wrestling before Sheik was hired.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.