10 Most Notorious Vader Urban Legends

6. Vader Saved The Life Of Sid Vicious

Story: The circumstances surrounding the Arn Anderson vs. Sid Vicious on-the-road fight in 1993 are quite famous. Brawling with one another violently, Sid was reportedly stabbed with something sharp. It's been said that Anderson lacerated the man with a pair of scissors, but there are also stories suggesting it was the other way round. Having a quiet beer nearby with Steve Austin, Vader stopped Sid as he ran past him. Noticing a hole close to his stomach, the big masked man stuck his thumb inside it. Blood had been pulsing from the open wound, and Sid was losing colour rapidly. To this day, it's said that Vader saved Sid's life, stopping him from bleeding out before medics arrived. Why People Believe It: This story is one that's become quite infamous. Vader has talked candidly about the incident during shoot interviews, and takes at least some credit for keeping Sid lucid whilst waiting on an ambulance. According to Vader, Sid was understandably resistant to him plugging the hole, but it worked. Should We Believe It: It's difficult to say for sure whether Sid Vicious would have died had Vader not stuck his finger in the hole. However, it makes sense that he would have been in a bad way had he continued to bleed. It was reportedly around 30 minutes before medical help arrived, so Vader at least played his part.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.