10 Most Notorious Wrestling Fans Ever

9. The We Hate Cena Guy

This man has one agenda and you don't need me to tell you what it is. Could he actually be the inspiration behind Cena's 'Rise Above Hate' campaign? If so, he must be kicking himself for making the former Dr. of Thuganomics so much money through merchandise sales. The We Hate Cena Guy has made a number of appearances at WWE events over the last few years and has developed quite the following. People support his sentiments and have been seen wearing his 'iconic' t-shirt design. As well as making an impression on the portion of the WWE Universe that chants "Cena sucks," Marcus Mays' distaste towards WWE's leading man has received some recognition from the man himself. Cena has acknowledged Mays numerous times and even hugged it out with his number one hater on an episode of Raw in 2010. It's fair to say Marcus was less than receptive of Cena's gesture.
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Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.