10 Most Over-Rated Wrestlers Of 2015

1. Dolph Ziggler

Dolph Ziggler is still someone people like Steve Austin, Jim Ross and other wrestling legends talk about as having 'endless potential'. In 2015, that idea doesn't really hold weight anymore. Ziggler is 35 years old, and has been around the WWE system since 2004. Dolph has been playing the bleach-blonde show-off gimmick since 2008. Surely by now he would have ascended to the main event scene permanently, if he was ever going to. Instead, he's stuck in mid card limbo, and has been for most of the year. His latest feud is against recent call-up Tyler Breeze, and fans are having a hard time relating with Dolph's babyface frustration. After all, Breeze is simply a younger version of the brash character Ziggler has played for years, so why should people have sympathy? This is symptomatic of Dolph Ziggler's problems in WWE. It's not uncommon to see promos from the man lashing out at he company for how he's being treated. The fact is that whilst he's a fine in-ring performer who can have consistently watchable matches, he's not the messiah-like figure many paint him out to be. He'd be more effective as a heel, but WWE seem to feel as though that ship has sailed. What other wrestlers would you say are over-rated in 2015? Do you agree with the ones listed here? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section below!

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.