10 Most Over-Rated Wrestlers Of 2015

2. Charlotte

There's a reason WWE ever miss an opportunity to remind people that Charlotte is Ric Flair's daughter. Clearly, those in charge don't feel the Diva is equipped to get over on her own, so she needs the 'Nature Boy' there as a safety net. In a way, that's a shame, because Charlotte should be allowed to sink or swim on the main roster based on her own merits. The fact she hasn't been afforded this opportunity speaks volumes about WWE's perception of her. That perception is not one which rings true with a lot of wrestling fans, mind, who believe Charlotte is one of the best female wrestlers in the world right now. Much like many others on this list, she's fine inside the ring, but she's missing several key elements which would potentially take her to the next level. Most notably, her promos come across as overly-emotional, almost to the point of whining. Babyfaces can't afford to look pathetic, but Charlotte has skirted with that on occasion. Listening to some people talk, it'd be easy to believe that she's someone WWE are dropping the ball with. That may be the case, but Charlotte has been handed a lot of mic time, which she hasn't used nearly as well as she could have.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.