10 Most Over-Rated Wrestlers Of 2015

8. Matt Hardy

Similarly, Matt Hardy is someone TNA have pushed hard in 2015. The veteran was once one of the hottest stories going in pro wrestling, following the fallout of his real-life romance troubles with Amy 'Lita' Dumas. When Lita started dating Edge behind Matt's back, WWE turned the situation into a story, Matt was then cruelly discarded when the ordeal was over with but he only came out of that situation more popular than before it happened. Since then, he has made bold claims about his abilities in TNA, ROH and the independent scene. For years, Matt has stated that he's going to change the pro wrestling business and prove to everybody what a top star he is. To date, that hasn't really happened, which should come as no surprise. The man is undeniably talented, but he doesn't have the star aura you expect of headline names. Indeed, Matt is far more effective when he's tagging with his brother Jeff. This only makes it more baffling that a certain selection of wrestling fans have been shouting from the rooftops that Matt is someone WWE should take a look at him. There's no need for the company to do this as Matt Hardy wouldn't make a difference to their product, ratings or success.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.