10 Most Over-Rated Wrestlers Of 2015

9. Ethan Carter III

When Ethan Carter III won the TNA World Heavyweight Title in the summer, a lot of fans started to go into hyperbole mode. What a lot of folks are forgetting is where TNA exist as a company right now, and that they're pretty far down the totem pole. There's a real negative energy surrounding the promotion, and there has been for years. EC3 is not the man to change that. In truth, TNA would need a complete overhaul from top to bottom if it were to alter perceptions. Fans are turned off by the presentation of the organisation, and don't have faith in those running it. The people in charge, such as Dixie Carter, definitely have faith in Ethan Carter's ability to headline. His smug, egotistical character is decent, but it's simply that. There's nothing extra-special about Carter. Obviously, WWE is a different environment, but the man struggled to gain a foothold there. Now, people are expected to believe he's one of the best wrestlers in the world just because he succeeds in TNA? Ethan Carter has featured in good matches - such as his work against Rockstar Spud - in 2015. However, he's considered to be someone WWE missed the boat with, when there's no real evidence to back that up.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.