10 Most Over-Rated Wrestlers Of 2015

6. Natalya

Listen to any number of hardcore wrestling fans talk about WWE, and it's likely complaints about how Natalya is used will crop up. According to some, the Canadian is the best female wrestler the company have on their books. It's true that she is woefully under-used by management, but she's also someone is tremendously over-rated by a certain section of WWE fans. Natalya has often been more effective as a heel than as a face. Her past alliance with Beth Phoenix was wonderfully executed, but 2015 hasn't brought anything like that to the table for her. Perhaps she just needs another chance handed to her by the creative team, and a change in persona. Unfortunately, whenever she has performed, her matches haven't really hit the mark. A brief run against Sasha Banks failed to connect with fans, for example. The angle has apparently been cancelled, because Natalya hasn't been around for weeks on WWE TV. The happy-go-lucky, smiling babyface act doesn't cut it, which is why she hasn't been part of the 'divas revolution' all that much. Natalya needs a change, because it's foolish for people to claim she should be pushed with her current character. Audiences don't react to it, not matter how loudly some will crow about her technical prowess.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.