10 Most Over-Rated Wrestlers Of 2015

5. Ryback

Those people who write the television shows and storylines at WWE definitely over-rate the skills of Ryback. It's tough to see where the character is going. Recently on Monday Night Raw, he delivered a dive to the outside of the ring, then immediately shouted with glee towards the camera, "We're having fun!". That perhaps sums up what's wrong with Ryback - he feels forced. It's a problem that isn't exclusive to 2015, as that's been the case ever since the character first appeared in 2012. However, WWE have really tried to establish the man as a babyface hero this year, and it hasn't worked. It was a poor decision to book Ryback as the successor to Daniel Bryan as Intercontinental Champion. The company were forced into doing something following Bryan's injury, but Ryback wasn't the answer. He felt like a letdown after Bryan, that cannot be denied. The Big Guy's subsequent reign as champ was instantly forgettable, and he's someone fans find it difficult to get behind. The man is a physical beast, so it's hard for heels - who are usually smaller - to get heat on him. WWE have inflated the idea of Ryback, and have hyped him up to be something he's not far too often. When he has been called upon to lead matches, such as against Kalisto on Smackdown in November, he has failed to draw fans' attention to them.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.