10 Most Overrated Wrestlers Of The '90s

8. Ahmed Johnson

Kevin Nash WCW World Champion

Ahmed Johnson's gigantic push in his first year with the WWE speaks volumes about just how desperate Vince McMahon was for new talent heading into the Attitude Era. Johnson, an untested and unproven former NFL player, captured the IC title in his rookie year and was actually set to compete for the WWE Championship two different times over the course of his exceptionally short run in the company.

But...why? Why was a guy like Ahmed Johnson, who wrestled with all the grace and charisma of a middle linebacker for the Dallas Cowboys, given such a huge push straight out of the gate? It's truly baffling.

Even if you excused his perpetual clumsiness in the ring and his inability to execute anything other than a haymaker without hurting his opponent, there's still the little fact that he was one of the absolute worst guys on the mic. That's not hyperbole, either. Ahmed Johnson wasn't just laughably bad, he was uncomfortably bad:

Does that sound like a guy who should be holding any title belt whatsoever?


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.