10 Most Painful-Looking Wrestling Matches Ever
5. The Undertaker Vs. Mankind - WWF Hell In A Cell 1998
An enterprising masochist, Mick 'Mankind' Foley knew he stood little chance of bettering the performance of Shawn Michaels at In Your House: Badd Blood. That match entered the canon of classics in part through a flailing, athletic, stamina-driven performance in which he sold for Undertaker as if he were a relentless and indestructible horror movie villain.
This was beyond Foley. (Un)fortunately for him, he was beyond rational thinking.
Foley could barely climb the Cell, such was his knackered physical condition. 'Taker joined him, creating a sense of pure dread. There was only one way down, and a man of Foley's reputation never climbed down from anything. Still, there was something inevitable and inconceivable about the iconic moment that followed. It was something so harrowing that to this day, it feels wrong to watch it. It shouldn't have happened. It wasn't wrestling. And yet, adding to the paradox, it was awesome to watch on the most base, repugnant human level imaginable. The moment didn't need JR's seminal sell-job but - Bah Gawd! - did he put over the agony of Foley's plight. He compelled somebody, anybody, to stop the d*mn match.
Despite the moral protests of several key critics and veterans, in the thrill of the moment, nobody really wanted Foley to climb down from the cage a second time; his searing, unfathomable pain was our poison.