10 Most Patriotic Wrestlers

1. The Patriot

Hacksaw Jim Duggan

How could we have a 'Top 10 Patriot Wrestler' list without including the man himself, Del Wilkes a.k.a. 'The Patriot'!?

While he didn't have a long run in the then WWF, The Patriot proved himself at all the big companies at the time: AWA, All Japan, and even WCW before coming to join the roster of the Federation in 1997.

During the ascension of the anti-American faction The Hart Foundation, the USA needed a hero to stand up and fight against this stable who was dominating the organisation, and taking all the championships - and that man was Del Wilkes. Well muscled, draped in the stars and stripes, and wearing a gorgeous looking mexican style mask modified to represent the red white and blue, The Patriot has arguably one of the best looks a nationalistic wrestler could have.

An out and out babyface, The Patriot fought the battle but ultimately lost the war in an era when gang rule won the day. But he's still one of the memorable patriots, and if you're still not convinced of his impact...Kurt Angle stole his entrance theme!


Award Winning Actor & Writer from Wirral, England. Host of WrestleStar Podcast. Waiting on his application for Hart Foundation membership.