10 Most Patriotic Wrestlers

6. Iron Shiek

Hacksaw Jim Duggan

Perhaps not in the forefront of fans in today's era as much as the other wrestlers on this list, but during his heel persona peak, the Iron Sheik was one of the biggest draws in the business, and it was entirely down to his commitment to the country of Iran.

Generating white hot heat in the 1980s off the back of the Iranian hostage crisis, the Sheik positioned himself as the loyal Iranian patriot who deplored the USA, and everything it stood for. Dropping promos in his native language, waving the flag and sporting Middle-Eastern inspired shaped boots, the Sheik was committed to the cause.

What better enemy could there have been to the rising force of Hulkamania in the 1980s than this Iranian invader? The Sheik played a huge part in Hulk Hogan's rise to super stardom and by extension, is one of the biggest heels in pro wrestling history, and a man who made a huge success out of his patriotic pride.


Award Winning Actor & Writer from Wirral, England. Host of WrestleStar Podcast. Waiting on his application for Hart Foundation membership.