10 Most Pointless World Champions In WWE History

6. Sheamus (2015)

Sheamus WWE Champion

Surprise Money In The Bank cash-ins can be excellent when booked correctly. Take Seth Rollins at WrestleMania 31 as a classic example, or maybe even the rapturous reception CM Punk received for cashing in on Edge in June 2008.

Neither instance felt anticlimactic, but the same cannot be said for the ascent of Sheamus back into the top line mix at the tail end of 2015's Survivor Series.

Cashing in just after Roman Reigns had won a tournament final against Dean Ambrose, the 'Celtic Warrior' ended the night as new champ having screwed Reigns out of the gold at the behest of Triple H. The problem here was that fans just didn't fancy Roman as champion to begin with, so the heel victory was cheered.

As if that wasn't bad enough, a 22-day stint as champ for Sheamus proved pointless. The Irishman lost the belt to Reigns anyway on the 14 December edition of Raw, and he was immediately removed from the main event mix after just one successful pay-per-view retention at TLC the previous night.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.