10 Most Pointless World Champions In WWE History

5. Jack Swagger (2010)

Jack Swagger World Heavyweight Champion

By far one of the most useless Money In The Bank cash-ins ever, Jack Swagger's win over Chris Jericho on the 2 April 2010 episode of SmackDown did nothing for the World Heavyweight Title or Swagger's career in the long run.

As remarkable as it sounds, this is one title win that actually ended up hurting Jack's WWE tenure in the long run, because it either came too soon or showed he wasn't cut out for the champion's spotlight at a top level. It didn't help that WWE's creative team proceeded to do absolutely nothing of note with the man after he had shocked Jericho.

A few months later at the one-off Fatal-4-Way pay-per-view, the unfortunate Swagger lost the gold to Rey Mysterio without much fanfare and his main event aspirations were put on ice. WWE needed more foresight with this one, and it was clear to everyone afterwards that Money In The Bank wasn't quite the surefire star-making tool the company hoped it might be.

The right person needed to fill that slot, and Jack Swagger wasn't that person.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.