10 Most Powerful Wrestlers In WCPW

1. Johnny Moss

Trent Seven Vs Johnny Moss
Trent Seven vs Johnny Moss

Anybody who has witnessed a Johnny Moss match will be unsurprised to see him top this list. Whether competing in singles action or alongside regular tag partner Liam Slater, the hulking veteran possesses a freakish amount of strength, often hurling two or three opponents around the ring in a single motion.

In terms of WCPW career highlights, Moss' chop-heavy showdown with Trent Seven was something to behold, both men departing the arena with bloodied chests after one of the most gruelling matches in company history. The True Legacy tag war with Moustache Mountain was a similarly jaw-dropping bout, as both moustachioed fan favourites found themselves turned head-over-heels innumerable times.

Moss' power was a key reason he and Slater found themselves the inaugural WCPW Tag Team Champions, as well as the recipients of our first ever Tag Team of the Year award. As long as his awesome power remains, he'll continue to be a force to be reckoned with.

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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.