10 Most Radical Wrestler Body Transformations Ever

8. Simon Miller

braun before/after

Want to know why one of WhatCulture's own has made it onto a list of this ilk? Well, here's why...

Referencing being the victim of bullying at a young age, everyone's favourite friendly presenting face Simon Miller opted to start picking up some weights as a way of building some confidence going forward. Upon being dragged to a gym by a pal in his teens, one bicep curl later, the future Ups and Downs titan was hooked.

Years down the line, the mighty Miller would gain more clarity on what his diet needed to consist of and between setting small goals and smashing each of them along the way, it wasn't long before he'd put more of the body-crafting pieces into place. Gone too was his long mane of hair and slimmer frame, in their place was a glorious chrome dome and colossal shoulders.

Smashing the weights and cardio for the better part of 20 years and being influenced by the likes of Triple H ultimately led to the herculean physical presence fans see before them today as the title-winning bald !*$% continues to overcome injury and juggle the dual-life of being both one of WhatCulture's finest and an independent scene darling with apparent ease.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...