10 Most Radical Wrestler Body Transformations Ever

7. Michael Cole

braun before/after

For those scoffing at the sight of the voice of WWE taking up a spot on this very list, your writer demands you to put some damn respect on the name of the stalwart who holds a WrestleMania victory over Jerry Lawler!

In all seriousness, though, it's pretty hard to overlook just how freakishly ripped the current voice of SmackDown managed to get himself a few years back. Going from tipping the scales at 226lbs, with 29.9 percent body fat, Cole managed to drop down to 169lbs and 6.5 percent body fat in just 11-months.

In terms of what went into the radical transformation, it was a case of just powering through two-to-three days of weight training with his PT and cardio a further two-to-three times a week. A simple alternative diet to the "awful" one the WWE veteran had at the time also came in handy, too.

Though the WWE lifestyle clearly makes it tough to keep up this type of strict and disciplined approach to life and training, it's clear that Cole undoubtedly got himself into the best shape of his life for a spell and likely made some of WWE's own in-ring performers think twice about their health.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...