10 Most Radical Wrestler Body Transformations Ever

6. Braun Strowman/Adam Scherr

braun before/after

Marking himself out as a Vince McMahon wet dream from the get-go, the sheer size of the former Wyatt Family member Braun Strowman made just about everyone watching the 2015 WWE product sit up in their seats.

But though the eventual Universal Champion undoubtedly came equipped with enough weight to flip a damn car (sort of), Strowman clearly felt he needed to be "a better, healthier, more loving person", as he put it in a recent Instagram post.

After first revealing a more notably trimmer frame upon destroying the field during WrestleMania 35's Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal, the hulking figure would take things up a notch throughout the latter stages of 2020 and 2021.

Reverting back to his real-life name of Adam Scherr, the former WWE man has never looked leaner and more cut, boasting freakish results after implementing intermittent fasting into his lifestyle. Looking as healthy and driven as ever before, it still remains to be seen what the future holds for The Titan when it comes to his career in-between the ropes.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...