10 Most Radical Wrestler Body Transformations EVER

9. Akira Tozawa

Akira Tozawa Body

You may not know that Akira Tozawa used to look like that.

That's a 2008 snap of Tozawa during his Dragon Gate days over in Japan. Approx seven years later, the same dude was scorching everyone's eyeballs with awesome matches in the same promotion, and was in the shape of his life. That run of form bagged him a WWE contract in 2016.

Cutting stomach fat is seriously tough. For men, it comes down to hard choices; the male body tends to store fat on the face and tummy, so it's defo a troublesome area for anybody looking to rock a stereotypical beach bod. Akira must've dieted like a man possessed and worked in endless sets of crunches to earn that new physique.

Nutrition would've been a huge factor in Tozawa's transformation. He went from looking puffy and bloated (that's a pretty standard "beer belly" on the left there) to having washboard abs and lean muscle. Good on him for being so dedicated.

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Akira Tozawa
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.