10 Most Radical Wrestler Body Transformations EVER

10. Jinder Mahal

Jinder Mahal Body

2017 Jinder Mahal would kick 2014 Jinder Mahal's ass, steal his lunch money and then brag about it in between supersets at the local Gold's Gym. The man himself would readily admit that he wasn't feeling it back during the 3MB days. Depressed and unmotivated, Jinder was going through the motions.

Then, something changed.

Fans couldn't believe how well-muscled Mahal was when he returned from a short sabbatical in late-2016. Jinder was ripped, carried himself like a star and finally seemed to have the confidence he'd previously lacked. Since then, he's been WWE Champ (which definitely wouldn't have happened without that body transformation) and continued his fitness journey in between serious injuries.

The once-apathetic Mahal deserves a ton of praise for having a word with himself, getting into excellent shape and smashing all of his goals. He turned everyone's heads, including Vince McMahon's, and was roundly rewarded for his graft.

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Akira Tozawa
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.