10 Most Radical Wrestler Body Transformations EVER

7. Brian Cage

Brian Cage Body


AEW's Brian Cage is so thick and well-muscled now that it's hard to picture him any other way. Let's just pretend he came out of the womb looking like that (his poor mother). The truth? He didn't. In fact, Brian looked more like every indy wrestler ever around 10 years ago.

The past decade has been a committed one. Cage's arms, shoulders, chest, legs and even wrists (?!) are all three or four times bigger than they were when he was plying his trade in PWG and other independent promotions. The 'Swolverine' is a physically amazing monster of a man who might be made of concrete and cast iron.

It's not that he looked bad before, because he didn't, but Brian Cage should take a bow for how far he's taken his own transformation. A certain McMahon figurehead must be wishing Bri looked like that when he was in FCW all those years ago.

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Akira Tozawa
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