10 Most Radical Wrestler Body Transformations EVER

6. Vince McMahon

Vince McMahon Body

Then again, Vince himself underwent quite the physical shift.

That left hand shot is a 1990 promo pic of the mild-mannered play-by-play announcer and WWF owner. The right one, meanwhile, is Vince in the early-2000s. Sure, he's wearing a suit in the first pic, but there's no way he was as muscular underneath it as he was on the right.

Who will ever forget the shocked voices of Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler when they clapped eyes on McMahon at the 1999 Royal Rumble, or even before that when the boss let everyone into his own private 'gun shows' in 1998? They weren't the only ones who were stunned. Fans couldn't believe the shape Vince was in.

Imagine if Tom Phillips suddenly showed back up a few years from now with rippling muscles and traps that Brian Cage would be proud of. You'd be lost for words. That's the reaction most people had back in the late-90s when Vince 'The Rock' McMahon took his top off.

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Akira Tozawa
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.