10 Most Radical Wrestler Body Transformations EVER

3. The Blue Meanie

Blue Meanie Body

The Blue Meanie has returned to his classic overweight look in more recent years. His transformation was temporary, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be celebrated on this list. In 1999-2000, Meanie morphed into 'Blue Boy'. Why did he change the old name after several years of success in ECW and the WWF?

He'd dropped over 100lbs of weight. That's why.

Blue Boy tweaked his gimmick from flabby underdog to overconfident bully who'd kick sand in everyone's faces and chastise them for being out of shape. It was typical heel stuff, but it was also hard to hate the ex-Meanie when he'd literally worked his ass off to better himself, get healthier and trim down.

The Blue Meanie was back to his bloated best when fans next saw him though. That makes him the only wrestler here who ditched progress in favour of his old ways. Meh, so long as he's happy. That's the main thing really.

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Akira Tozawa
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.