10 Most Radical Wrestling Makeovers
9. The Godfather To The Goodfather
If you were asked to name the most politically incorrect wrestling character of the last quarter-century, chances are you'd point to The Godfather, a "pimp" who was followed to the ring by a cast of scantily clad women he referred to as "hoes".
The controversy that surrounded this gimmick was such that, in a cheeky wink to the puritanical critics, Right To Censor - WWE's resident guardians of good taste - actually recruited him to assist in their mission to sanitise the squared circle in mid-2000.
For a short while, The Godfather stopped referring to himself as The Godfather, instead insisting that he be called The Goodfather. He even dropped his trademark pimp attire in favour of a business shirt and plain black tie.
By design, he began to portray a character that was diametrically opposed to his previous one in just about every way imaginable. Even if it was merely in the aid of an elaborate joke, that's pretty radical.