10 Most Radical Wrestling Makeovers

2. Steel/Oz To Diesel

Festus To Luke Gallows 2

It's hard to believe that Kevin Nash came to personify wrestling cool, considering that he started out in WCW in the early 1990s sporting a bright orange mohawk as part of a tag team going by the "Master Blasters".

The worst part is that wasn't even the height of his humiliation. After ditching Steel, Nash would subsequently portray Oz, a character who came to the ring wearing a luminous green cape and novelty white beard, in a nod to - you guessed it - The Wizard of Oz.

Thankfully (for him at least), on his arrival in WWE in 1993, someone in the back realised that this seven-foot giant with the movie star looks was potentially capable of more than comedy, and he was promptly repackaged as Diesel, Shawn Michaels' uber laid-back bodyguard.

The rest, as they say, is history. Not only did Nash become one of Vince McMahon's biggest stars of the early-to-mid 1990s, he returned to WCW later on in the decade to show them exactly what they had been missing.

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Luke Gallows
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