10 Most Radical WWE Character Transformations Of The Past 10 Years

7. William Regal

Bayley comparison

Yes, Regal had a lengthy stretch of personalities long before the clock struck 2010, but what a decade it has been for the man since.

It began in 2010, with a rap battle against R-Truth (and the more cringe THAT promo got, the funnier it was). His robe-wearing heelness sported traces of the vicious pomposity he possessed during his closing Steven Regal run of WCW in the 90s, and it lasted until 2013, when he bowed out of in-ring competition.

Skip to 2020, and Regal is a reputable force in NXT as a general manager and talent developer. Just watch any behind-the-scenes performance centre footage to see the headstrong seriousness of his true-life self!

While this candid reveal of Regal's backstage role may be far from kayfabe, it does lock in perfectly with his TV NXT General Manager role, where he plays a man who neither gives nor takes crap, imposes order whenever anarchy looms, and champions hard work and fair competition at every possible juncture... a gimmick worthy of his true life self, with zero arrogance, and tons of humility.

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Writer, proud father and also chimp. Plus I talk music at Everythingisnoise.net