10 Most Random Wrestling Factions Ever

1. nWo Black & White

The nWo were huge in WCW, which is probably quite the understatement. So well-received was the idea that Eric Bischoff even considered doing away with the WCW letters altogether, letting the nWo take to the spotlight and become the focal point of major shows such as Monday Nitro. A large part of the reason for the success of the original core unit was that it was made up of people fans could take very seriously. People knew names like Hollywood Hogan, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall were going to be presented as main event level talent, so they responded accordingly, seeing them as cool. It's generally accepted that what killed the nWo was when a plethora of more ordinary talent joined the ranks. Men such as Stevie Ray, Scott Norton and Vincent were never going to be top talent, and that came across to fans. As a result, the 'Black & White' portion of the nWo was almost like the jobber branch in many ways, and couldn't possibly live up to what had come before. What other wacky or random factions can you recall? Do you agree with the choices on this list? Let us know down in the comments section!

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.