10 Most Ridiculous Bret "Hitman" Hart Moments

9. It's All About The Game, And How You Develop It

To help promote the release of 1995's Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game, the WWF sent 'the Hitman' over to the Midway offices for a special look into how a video game is made. In Bret's own words, "I started with hands on experience, step by step, until I knew how an entire game came together." Now, I don't claim to be any kind of expert on creating video games, but do game developers really spend their days moving boxes around on forklifts and hustling in metal workshops? Once the manual labor was out of the way, Bret then disciplined the developers for "dereferencing a null pointer" (those damned fools!) before taking a quick timeout to knock out the game's soundtrack, ordering the engineers to "punch it up with a little more bass". Oh, and did I mention that all of this takes place with Bret wearing his WRESTLING GEAR? Singlet, tights, boots, sunglasses - the works. Bret ends the piece by telling us, "Now THAT's how you build a game." Yuke's, take note. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x302o74
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It ain't easy! Former Manager of Ultimate Warrior's "WarriorWeb", Former Senior Editor of Vince Russo's "Pyro and Ballyhoo", and wrestling fan for over twenty five years. Daniel's favourite wrestling memory is being in Wembley Stadium with his Grandad for SummerSlam '92.