10 Most Ridiculous Wrestling Matches Ever

1. Al Snow Vs. Big Bossman - Kennel From Hell (Unforgiven 1999)

The most infamous match of the Attitude Era, the Kennel from Hell match featured one of the most ridiculous storylines of all-time capped off by one of the most ridiculous matches of all-time. Al Snow had been having a lover's quarrel with his mannequin head and went searching for a new friend. After trying various objects, he finally found a companion in a small Chihuahua dog named Pepper. Pepper served as Snow's manager during his Hardcore title days and seemed to make Al happy. At Summerslam, Al Snow faced the Big Bossman in a Falls Count Anywhere match that quickly spilled into the backstage area. The Bossman, slowly turning into a cartoon super villain, picked up Pepper's crate and tossed it across the room. Two weeks later, the Bossman kidnapped Pepper and invited Snow to a hotel room to discuss things. Bossman was even nice enough to prepare dinner for his rival. However, it was all a ruse as Bossman had actually killed Pepper and was feeding him to Snow in the very dinner he had fixed. Yes, this all actually happened. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4e7bp_al-snow-vs-big-boss-man-unforgiven_sport The score was the be settled in a Kennel from Hell match where a Hell in a Cell would be placed over top of the traditional blue bar steel cage. Between the two cages would be a pack of deadly Rottweilers that would supposedly attack any competitor who came outside of the cage. Unfortunately for the WWF, the dogs were more interested in marking their territory and making sweet, doggy love on the outside of the ring. When the dogs were supposed to bite and attack Bossman, they more or less simply smelled him and went away. The entire match was a complete disaster from start to finish.
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