10 Most Ridiculous Wrestling Matches Ever

7. Jake Roberts Vs. Rick Martel - Blindfold Match (WrestleMania VII)

Jake Roberts is one of the great masters of psychology in wrestling history. If Jake didn't have to fight his infamous demons, he would probably be working in a backstage capacity at WWE right now. His mind for the business is almost unmatched and is his greatest asset. Rick Martel is one of the most underrated workers of his era. The French-Canadian was the AWA heavyweight champion and was a great tag wrestler for Vince McMahon before getting shuffled into a midcard heel role that wasn't ever going to take him anywhere. A standard match between the two would have been good enough for WrestleMania VII, however the WWF decided to add a little something to the match. By "add something to the match", we mean "take away the eyesight of both competitors, thus making the match completely unwatchable by any standards." Leading up the event, Martel had blinded Roberts with his cologne that he called Arrogance. Roberts was so infuriated that he challenged Martel to a Blindfold match where both wrestlers would have a hood over their heads that would make them blind. You see, Jake was used to the dark and wanted Martel to experience what he did after getting sprayed in the face. As for the match, it basically consisted of Jake pointing to parts of the ring and the crowd cheering when he was pointing to Martel. Martel, in the mean time, walked around like a goof and tripped over various objects, even managing to fall out of the ring at one point. By the way, both guys could clearly see out of the hoods that were placed on their heads, so the illusion was completely lost right from start. Jake, in particular, ruined a basic wrestling spot when he simply sidestepped Martel when Rick had thrown him against the ropes, again making him look like an idiot. Why wouldn't wrestlers just do that every single time they were whipped into the ropes? Unfortunately, we hadn't seen the last Blindfold match. WWE writers busted it out again for such legendary feuds as Santino Marella vs. Drew McIntyre and Chavo Guerrero vs. Hornswoggle.
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